Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quotes On Hating Cocky People

Florence's train!

Then, a month or so I'm taking the train that goes to Florence (for those who understand "Via Firenze") and when I get up I can say that it is still empty (at 7.30 who want to take the train? I, no?) , so I sit down next to the window, I pull out the headphones and listen to the radio (lately I feel like Platinette, but a central piece of the trail the band greets me and I do not feel anything! Damn!) or previously uploaded my songs on my mobile phone multifunction (as I'm ahead!) .
So far so normal, right?! The beauty is now!

The rudeness of the people has reached extreme levels, I swear!

Then, when you sit next to someone, it is used to ask " is free, can I? ", it is obvious that it is free, and you can sit down, but kindness is always good to ask! Then if thou hast
Small bags full of handbags and do not know what, let's put on the grill immediately suitcase without taking up fifteen seats so as not to embarrass the poor man that only seeks a seat!
Also, if you do not like to sit near the window, I understand, but avoids looking up to heaven if someone asks you a chance to sit him at the window seat, especially if they opened the tablet PC and so davati for you and touches you disassemble everything to pass it, but you put yourself near the window so you will not break if you lower the bar (not the toilet ..!) mountains above us, and your PC! And what the heck!
But then, in addition to not ask Thee to sit down with you strabacchi elbows, infilandili in the kidneys of the other person, because thou hast to read your book sitting comfortably full advantage of the arms (also one half) ?! But blissful ignorance!
Obviously, you kind person you fold a bit 'more to your place, given that Trenitalia does not offer that much comfortable armchairs and large. But if you put that you're not just a broomstick, but slightly overflowing ... Goodness ..!
Never mind then the ringing of mobile phones with many different possible volumes "clubbers", but at least avoids the car to let everyone know your facts and disturbing others with your laughter, but sadness!
In summary, more than one train passengers, looks like a cattle car with free rein! But
poor girl (I'm talking about me ... had understood?) forced to travel on a train of terrible events ... Thank goodness every now and spend a few discreet man you can gaze at as you like collapsing on the landscape that I see out the window!